Archive for the 'The stories' Category

Hello again!

Fitzgerald's Bicentennial Marker
I’m blogging today at History Hoydens about how an Irishman snuck into THE SHADOW GUARD when I wasn’t looking.
Please drop by and chat about how odd things happen when you’re researching a book!
12:00 am |

Hi there! I’m blogging today at Selena Illyria’s blog party for heroes, villains, and in between.
I’m specifically chatting about Jake Hammond, the hero of THE SHADOW GUARD, and his strong inclination toward the dark side – as in, become a total workaholic and lose any chance of Winning A Girl.
Please stop by and let me know what you think of guys who can’t stop thinking about work! I’ve even included an excerpt from THE SHADOW GUARD.
2:09 am |

Alexandria, VA Waterfront
Hi there!
I’m partying – uh, blogging – at Monica Burns’ big blog party today. I’ll be chatting about where past meets present. Otherwise known as how I managed to introduce my heroine (born in 1880’s Nebraska Territory) to a very modern-day homicide cop.
Please stop by and chat about books set in real places, where history walks.
2:18 am |

Hello again! I’m blogging today at History Hoydens about how to sneak the historical background into a book’s beginning. (Hey, it’s backstory, isn’t it? Yet who wants to read a boring info dump? But it’s vital if it’s set in a different time and place from today’s world. Oh gosh, this is starting to feel more complicated than writing a contemporary novel…)
Please stop by and chat! I’d love to compare notes about books who flaunted the history from the beginning or surprised you with its importance. I’ve got examples ranging from SENSE AND SENSIBILITY to THE IRISH DEVIL to THE DEVIL SHE KNOWS to…
2:07 am |

Hi there! November’s podcast from the ladies at Broadpod features tales of Dragons and other mystical beings, as voiced by their creators. Readers Kelly A. Harmon, Sarah Micklem, Diane Whiteside, Danielle Ackley McPhail, and Justine Graykin bring you on a safari spanning mystical lands to back yard surprises.
My episode features Khyber and Svehtlana from CAPTIVE DESIRES.
If you right click on the podcast, you can even add it to your iTunes music library.
The Broad Pod is brought to you by Broad Universe, a 501(c)3, international organization dedicated to promoting, celebrating, and honoring women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
11:45 pm |

Ever wonder what memories sneak out of an author’s subconscious and into a book?
I’m blogging today at Fresh Fiction about family dinners and how those places somehow make their way into my books, especially in THE DEVIL SHE KNOWS.
2:40 am |

Hi there! I’m blogging today at History Hoydens about the different ways I’ve included music in my novels, especially the historicals.
2:01 am |