Hello there! Broad Pod is a group of like-mind lady SF/F authors who read snippets for our – and hopefully your! – pleasure every month.
July’s theme is military speculative fiction. I chose one of my favorite scenes from CAPTIVE DESIRES – the militia’s defense of the Gates of Belukha in the Biysk Mountains, against Azherbhai’s monsters. I admit this was inspired by the Spartans at Thermopylae – but other writers have drunk from that well, too.
In utter defiance of the alphabet, I’m the first author in the podcast. Joining me are Gail Z. Martin‘s Dark Lady’s Chosen, Phoebe Wray‘s Jemma7729, Danielle Ackley-McPhail‘s “First Line: An Alliance Archive Adventure” from So It Begins, Book Two of the Defending the Future series, and Sue Burke‘s English translation of Amadis of Gaul.
Enjoy the fight!
2:09 am |

Yesterday’s book signing at Turn the Page Books was awesome! Many thanks to everyone who showed up, my fellow authors – Nora Roberts, Mary Blayney, Loretta Chase, Jocelyn Drake, Donna Kauffman, Austin Gisriel, and Katrina Shelley – and the wonderful TTP folks who always make signings there such a pleasure.
The day started with pouring rain. I wasn’t looking forward to the drive through the mountains and I didn’t know how many other people would survive it either. But no worries: when I arrived, lots of eager, happy folk were scanning Boonsboro’s sunny streets, looking for someplace to while away the time until the doors opened.
There’s the most incredible community feeling at a TTP booksigning. Readers bring family, friends, babies, growing children. Nora Roberts coos over children as they grow up, somehow remembering them all. The chocolate chip lady shows up with another fabulous tray of temptations. Fans sell other readers on a new author.
Little girls waltz by and ask their mothers, “When can I read one of those books?” The distant date is accepted with good grace and they collect autographed tote bags, instead.
And as the hours wear on, and the temperature grows warmer and warmer, somehow everybody stays happy and cheerful.
I’ll always remember Nora Roberts’ son chatting cheerfully about his tricks for remembering his wedding anniversary. (How many men have I heard that one from?)
One young lady had driven her mother to the signing and didn’t expect to find any interesting books there for herself. But when she reached me, she was still chattering about Katrina Shelley’s fabulous book that she’d just stumbled upon.
Austin Gisriel brightened up more than one slow moment in line by cheerfully chatting about minor league baseball. Yes, I love baseball and I know it’s a very small world. But I had no idea Western Maryland was stuffed with people whose families had played it, at one level or another! Wow.
As ever, the world is full of people who adore Donna Kauffman’s romantic comedies, especially the ones about Scots. It was a treat, watching her fingers dance across books to describe the different series, while Scots popped up in various wonderful corners of the world (including Scotland!).
Loretta Chase and Mary Blayney charmed reader after reader, whether or not they were die hard historical fans.
More than one reader happily bought the prequel to Jocelyn Drake’s vampire series, convinced a taste of urban fantasy would perfectly complete her day. Many thanks to those who came to see me!
As ever, Turn the Page Books makes a book signing look effortless. It’s a joy for an author to be there, no matter how many people show up. (How do they know when one needs more water? And it’s always cold! Plus, the food is bite-sized and non-messy (cookies, cheese, chips, and more), so one can jump back to the signing at a moment’s notice. Bliss, sheer bliss.)
My best wishes to the folks at Turn the Page Books. I hope they enjoyed yesterday’s booksigning half as much as I did. May they enjoy a long and happy life, at home and in bookselling!
9:34 pm |

Hey there! Here’s a video for Readers Appreciation Weekend (RAW). I enjoyed it tremendously when I attended before and I’m looking forward to attending it this September in Huntington, West Virginia.
RAW 2009
Hope to see some of you there, too!
11:04 pm |