I just delivered BOND OF DARKNESS, the Texas vampires trilogy volume 3, to my editor! Wheehaw!!!
Next step: Christmas cards! We took photos at Disney World (duh!) and had a particularly holiday-ish one translated into a wonderfully festive card by Snapfish. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to print address labels from Outlook 2007, since all my addresses currently exist only on my Treo.
It’ll give me time to listen to some new music. My sister gave me Celine Dion‘s latest album, Taking Chances.
Or Ruderial…
Or Brad Paisley…
Fun, fun, fun. 🙂
7:40 pm |

I’m blogging over at Brava Authors today about James Bond, Chanel and me.
Please drop by and chat, if you get a chance!
2:30 am |

Okay, I admit it: I had a fantastic time last night watching Dancing with the Stars. Five good-looking guys strutting their stuff, happy as all get out – what could be better? There was music, too – whoohoo!
While I like TV shows and movies that focus on one guy, there’s something to be said for variety. Oh yeah.
First and foremost, I’m dancing because Maksim has lasted this long in Dancing with the Stars. Hard body, rippling abs, sense of humor, no problem being strong minded – what’s not to like? But his previous partners always got themselves – and him! – eliminated far too early for my viewing happiness. This season, he’s still here. Yes!
And then there’s the other four. Helio, whose ever present sense of humor reminds me of my darling brother in law. (The second time around, my sister got it so riight!) Jonathan, who really looks like a guy my father would have liked me to bring home. Cameron, who reminds me of a dancing superhero. (Could Flash Gordon defeat Ming the Merciless in a ten dance? Undoubtedly!) And, of course, Derek, who may be young but all my friends agree has hidden depths which need to be investigated. LOL
Survivor has a different appeal, with its ever present mind games. Project Runway starts up soon but I’ll start watching it when the contestants get down to a manageable few. (Maybe it’s because I just can’t keep too many trendy styles separate? Who knows.)
I’m addicted to American Idol, not necessarily because of the contestants (no, no, don’t hit me! LOL) but because of the music. The combination of the producers’ twisted minds (once making 21st century kids compete in big band standards? hellooo!) and the contestants’ varying skills and neuroses makes for an always unpredictable show. I’m always willing to be distracted by it.
Any other TV shows where you find interesting guys to watch? Reality shows or even a drama or comedy?
2:27 pm |

Welcome to my very first blog on my own blog! Wow!
Of course, the next question is, why have a blog? Well, I’ve got an absolutely gorgeous new website and it needed a place where I could interact more openly with my readers. That’s my primary goal.
I named myself “inveterate romantic” because I do tend to see things that way. I believe in heroes, heroines, and happily ever afters. I’m sure there’s a silver lining to every cloud and an open window whenever a door has been slammed shut, no matter how brutally hard they may be to find or achieve. I promise faithfully to sigh over a first kiss and to weep happily whenever a warrior comes home to his true love.
I adore reading Anne Stuart’s blogs, Notes from the Drama Queen, and she is my goddess of author blogs. Given that bit of fair warning, I thought maybe I should tell you my inner rules of blogging.
Firstly, I have a family, day job, and two editors. I hope to once again be owned by Tibetan Terriers. Much as I adore every one of you and the fact you make my writing possible – other people will grab my time. I promise to blog as often as I can, but not daily.
Secondly, I promise to tell the truth and to be as transparent as possible. I want to start conversations here. If you ask me a question, I will answer it, to the best of my ability. If I cannot answer it, I will say so.
Unfortunately – much as I’d like to pretend otherwise – my ability to say everything isn’t always perfect. Sometimes the muse hasn’t answered your question yet. (Alas, I have no idea what Sean’s son is currently up to, romantically speaking!) Sometimes answering your question would mean exposing too much of my “muse.” In that case, I’ll take refuge in generalities, which are often more useful to more people.
Mostly I plan to talk about my books, my characters, twists and turns along the road to seeing them in print, and similar bookish topics. From time to time, you may also be treated to musings on assorted stuff, which I tend to think of as quirky notions. Be prepared for such oddities.
Since this is my very first blog, I’d love to hear what you’d like me to talk about. Any suggestions?
8:34 pm |