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Diane Whiteside, Inveterate Romantic

Archive for September, 2007

The Irish Devil Visits Idea Boutique

September 26, 2007 | News,The stories

Hello again!

I’ll be blogging on Friday, September 28th at the Idea Boutique about how The Irish Devil came into the world.

Please stop by and check it out.

See you Friday!


10:40 pm | Comments are off  

Seeing – and Hearing – My Characters in Action

September 24, 2007 | Better than chocolate,News

Bond of Blood’s book video just went up at my website today! Whoopeeee!

What is it about a book video? I know they’re supposed to make readers want to buy the book – a very kewl idea! – but why didn’t anybody mention they also make the whole story look different to the author? Hey, it’s my story, I’m supposed to know all about it, aren’t I? But when it comes alive on the screen, it’s like meeting my characters in the flesh for the first time all over again – just like the first time I held a printed copy of the book in my hand!

Better than chocolate.

The other thing nobody mentioned – at least not to yours truly – is how much of a difference the music makes to each book video. For example, The Northern Devil’s music is very “Hollywood dramatic.” It suits a story about dark secrets, a cross-country train race in the dead of winter, and two very stubborn people battling each other for love.

The Irish Devil’s music evokes Ireland – and the Wild West’s challenges.

Bond of Blood? Its music is very, very Spanish, filled with guitars and hand claps beating out the dangerous, sensual rhythms.

All very different – and all a fresh introduction to my books.

The Northern Devil

The Irish Devil

Bond of Blood

What do you think?


9:34 pm | 4 Comments  


September 24, 2007 | News

Bond of Fire, the sequel to Bond of Blood, will be released in January 2008. Yeehaw!

To celebrate – and to whet your appetite – I will be sending weekly excerpts within my newsletters, starting two months in advance. The first few excerpts – but not all of them – will be posted a week later on my website. Yes, you’ve got it right: if you want to read all of the excerpts, you have to be a subscriber to my newsletter. That’s the way it worked for the Bond of Blood excerpts and I suspect Bond of Darkness’s (the Texas Vampires trilogy volume 3) excerpts will be handled the same way.

However, when we transitioned to the new website, due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to use an older copy of my mailing list. If you joined the list after May of 2007, you may need to rejoin to be sure to receive all the excerpts and future newsletters.

I am so sorry for the inconvenience. But as you know, computers are not always the most reliable of beasties.

Therefore, please check your subscription to make sure you’re part of my mailing list. If you received my September newsletter, you’re safe. If not, please resubscribe. I’d love to hear your comments on the upcoming excerpts!


7:32 pm | 2 Comments  

Chatting on Tuesday

September 17, 2007 | News

Hullo, friends!

I’ll be chatting on Tuesday, September 18th at 9 p.m. EDT over at Coffeetime Romance.

Please drop by, if you get a chance, and spend some time. I’m happy to talk about anything and everything you want to ask questions about. There will even be goodies. 🙂


10:59 pm | 2 Comments  

Setting Out

September 13, 2007 | Me, myself

Welcome to my very first blog on my own blog! Wow!

Of course, the next question is, why have a blog? Well, I’ve got an absolutely gorgeous new website and it needed a place where I could interact more openly with my readers. That’s my primary goal.

I named myself “inveterate romantic” because I do tend to see things that way. I believe in heroes, heroines, and happily ever afters. I’m sure there’s a silver lining to every cloud and an open window whenever a door has been slammed shut, no matter how brutally hard they may be to find or achieve. I promise faithfully to sigh over a first kiss and to weep happily whenever a warrior comes home to his true love.

I adore reading Anne Stuart’s blogs, Notes from the Drama Queen, and she is my goddess of author blogs. Given that bit of fair warning, I thought maybe I should tell you my inner rules of blogging.

Firstly, I have a family, day job, and two editors. I hope to once again be owned by Tibetan Terriers. Much as I adore every one of you and the fact you make my writing possible – other people will grab my time. I promise to blog as often as I can, but not daily.

Secondly, I promise to tell the truth and to be as transparent as possible. I want to start conversations here. If you ask me a question, I will answer it, to the best of my ability. If I cannot answer it, I will say so.

Unfortunately – much as I’d like to pretend otherwise – my ability to say everything isn’t always perfect. Sometimes the muse hasn’t answered your question yet. (Alas, I have no idea what Sean’s son is currently up to, romantically speaking!) Sometimes answering your question would mean exposing too much of my “muse.” In that case, I’ll take refuge in generalities, which are often more useful to more people.

Mostly I plan to talk about my books, my characters, twists and turns along the road to seeing them in print, and similar bookish topics. From time to time, you may also be treated to musings on assorted stuff, which I tend to think of as quirky notions. Be prepared for such oddities.

Since this is my very first blog, I’d love to hear what you’d like me to talk about. Any suggestions?

8:34 pm | 13 Comments  





  1. Better than chocolate
  2. Me, myself
  3. News
  4. Quirky notions
  5. Serendipity
  6. The stories
  7. Tuning the instrument
  8. Uncategorized


  1. April 2012
  2. March 2012
  3. February 2012
  4. January 2012
  5. November 2011
  6. October 2011
  7. September 2011
  8. August 2011
  9. July 2011
  10. June 2011
  11. May 2011
  12. April 2011
  13. March 2011
  14. February 2011
  15. January 2011
  16. December 2010
  17. November 2010
  18. October 2010
  19. September 2010
  20. August 2010
  21. July 2010
  22. June 2010
  23. May 2010
  24. April 2010
  25. March 2010
  26. February 2010
  27. January 2010
  28. November 2009
  29. September 2009
  30. April 2009
  31. March 2009
  32. February 2009
  33. January 2009
  34. December 2008
  35. November 2008
  36. September 2008
  37. August 2008
  38. July 2008
  39. June 2008
  40. April 2008
  41. March 2008
  42. February 2008
  43. January 2008
  44. December 2007
  45. November 2007
  46. October 2007
  47. September 2007


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