September 24, 2007 | News
Bond of Fire, the sequel to Bond of Blood, will be released in January 2008. Yeehaw!
To celebrate – and to whet your appetite – I will be sending weekly excerpts within my newsletters, starting two months in advance. The first few excerpts – but not all of them – will be posted a week later on my website. Yes, you’ve got it right: if you want to read all of the excerpts, you have to be a subscriber to my newsletter. That’s the way it worked for the Bond of Blood excerpts and I suspect Bond of Darkness’s (the Texas Vampires trilogy volume 3) excerpts will be handled the same way.
However, when we transitioned to the new website, due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to use an older copy of my mailing list. If you joined the list after May of 2007, you may need to rejoin to be sure to receive all the excerpts and future newsletters.
I am so sorry for the inconvenience. But as you know, computers are not always the most reliable of beasties.
Therefore, please check your subscription to make sure you’re part of my mailing list. If you received my September newsletter, you’re safe. If not, please resubscribe. I’d love to hear your comments on the upcoming excerpts!